Benefits of Software Integration with Access Control
As technology continues to evolve and the proptech industry continues to diversify, managers are looking for ways to become more efficient while consolidating actions. Within the industry are so many great solutions that are meant to increase efficiencies for customers, from access control to financial management. However, with customers like multifamily property/ commercial real estate managers relying on several platforms to do their jobs, those solutions become diluted. That’s why integration is becoming more desirable. When you integrate with the other platforms customers use, they can perform all their functions seamlessly. And your business benefits in several ways.

Centralized Data
A major benefit when you integrate with other proptech software is the opportunity to have all the data in one place. Instead of having user databases separated by each system, integration allows for data to be consolidated, giving you the ability to pull reports that capture the full picture. Having a centralized dashboard increases operational efficiency, especially when applying it to decision making.
With Entegrity Smart’s activity records, you can see who’s unlocking what doors when. This can be useful for research purposes to understand end-user and decision maker trends and use that information for business planning. Customers can also benefit in this way. An example is with amenities. A recent partner Cell Badge teamed up with us to simplify access control for HOA amenities. They’ll be able to see which amenities are most popular, busiest times of day that amenities are used, and other important data which can help to plan for future improvements or projects.
Ease of Use
A big challenge users face when adding new proptech is the adoption process. A new solution creates another thing for managers to learn. And once they learn, they then have to teach it to others. Plus, it’s another login to add to the mix. The adoption process can be much smoother if that new solution can integrate with the systems users already understand. The integrated systems can share the same platform, requiring only one login. Integrations can often give your organization a competitive advantage and can increase customer satisfaction in the long term.
Market Reach
A good partnership is beneficial for both parties. When you become an integration partner, there should be a mutual benefit of expanded market reach. Your solution may be commonly used in the self-storage market but could also be useful in the fitness center market, like a long-range Bluetooth door/gate controller. And chances are there’s a solution that’s used in fitness that could benefit self-storage, like an automation software that tracks member status. It’s great to shake hands with one another as both companies now have their name and product in front of a new market.
As an access control and visitor management solutions company, there are several applications, which many industries can benefit from. (See our markets page to learn a few of the many applications of our smartphone-based, Bluetooth-enabled access control and visitor management solutions.) Partnering with firms like Gym Assistant, whose software automates membership activities allows us to expand our reach to the fitness center market and allows Gym Assistant to do the same by connecting to our smartphone-controlled smart locks and door/gate controllers. Everybody wins.
“Integration is complicated.” We’ve heard this before and decided to share our API to make integration easier. If becoming an integration partner is not the right move for you, you can still customize your idea and collaborate with our VIZpin-powered access control functions to create the best solution for your needs. Click here for more details.
Interested in becoming an integration partner? Learn more today.