Resident FAQs
Check out the most common questions for residents using Entegrity Smart in apartment buildings, condos, and HOAs.

Why do you need location services?
The VIZpin Smart app used with Entegrity Smart Devices uses Location Services to detect when you are in range of a Smart Lock or Door/Gate Controller. We do not use location information to identify where you are or track your movements.
What happens if my phone dies?
If your phone dies you will need to charge it. Smartkeys take less than 3 seconds to work so even a 1% charge will be enough to get you in the door.
What happens if I get a new phone?
Easy, when you get your new phone, just download the VIZpin Smart app again. When you login, it won’t recognize your phone and will send you a new security code to verify your device. Once you enter that, all your Smartkeys will be transferred to your new phone and deleted from your old phone.
How do you use my data?
When you register the app, we use some information about your specific device, not you, to generate the Smartkeys. We never share or sell any data to 3rd parties. You can read our full privacy policy here.
What if I have a visitor?
There are two ways visitors can gain access. First, if it’s a regular visitor like a cleaning person or dog walker, notify the property manager and they can issue your visitor a temporary Smartkey. If it’s a one-time visitor, they can use the Entegrity Smart Intercom app and you can let them in remotely. This must be enabled by the property manager so be sure to check if this is available on your property.
Do I have to open my app every time to unlock my door?
Not if you enable Notifications. The VIZpin Smart app lets you unlock your door from a Notification or Widget, you just need to enable them.
Will it work with my Smartwatch?
Soon! We are constantly improving the app and adding cool new features. Smartwatch integration is high on the priority list. To take full advantage of the new features you should allow auto-updates in your app settings.
What if I don’t have a Smartphone or am unable to use one?
No problem, we have a Bluetooth fob for people who don’t have a Smartphone. Talk to your property manager.
Can I share my Smartkeys with someone else?
No, Smartkeys will only work on the phone they were issued to.
What if the batteries die and I get locked out?
The property manager will know when the batteries are getting low and if you turn on Notifications in the app, you will also get an alert when the batteries are running low. If no one replaces them in time and the batteries die, your property manager has good old fashioned keys to your unit and can let you in.
What if the electronics fail and I get locked out?
Our Smart Locks are the most reliable Smart Locks in world but even the best fail sometimes. If that happens, your property manager has good old fashioned keys to your unit and can let you in.