Case Study: Argus Control

Argus Control relies on Entegrity Smart’s cloud-based solution for effective inventory control.

The Customer

Argus Control, located in Brasilia, Brazil, brings its customers peace of mind by offering innovative automation and security technologies to residential and commercial customers that can be remotely managed. Their services include high-definition cameras, night vision and state-of-the-art sensors you can control over the internet or by phone through the company’s 24/7 central monitoring station.

The Challenge

“We were having on-going issues of equipment being taken from our inventory room without any documentation,” explained Cristóvão Resende, COO of Argus Control. The company keeps a large amount of inventory on hand and each month, items would go missing. In addition to significant monetary losses from the missing products, Argus was losing hundreds of hours each year tracking down the missing items. Often, the missing inventory was not stolen. Instead, it was in a salesman’s truck or with an installer, but the inventory remained unaccounted for and unavailable to Argus for installations or product demonstrations.

“We were able to gain full control of our inventory with a minimal investment.”

Cristóvão Resende

The Solution

Argus installed Entegrity Smart’s VIZpin-powered Bluetooth door/gate controller to manage access to the inventory room where they had tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of goods. The cloud-based access control solution lets Argus send, revoke and monitor electronic keys anytime from anywhere, something they could not get from a keypad. Card-reader access systems that offered those features were three times more expensive than the VIZpin system installed. Now, Argus has all the access features they need at a fraction of the cost of competitive products, and they have virtually no administrative costs. “We were able to gain full control of our inventory with a minimal investment,” said Resende.


  • Improved Security: “At the beginning of each month, when we checked the inventory, there were always items missing. With Entegrity Smart, that problem was solved,” says Cristóvão Resende.

  • Secure Access: Argus uses VIZpin’s cloud-based service to maintain strict access to the inventory room, allowing access only for authorized employees. When un-authorized personnel want to take something from
    inventory, an authorized person must get the item(s) and document what was taken.

  • Peace of Mind: Resende states “Now, we can focus on our business instead of missing product investigations. We would spend a week looking for inventory, and it was hit or miss if we got it back.”